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ECON-SD700 is an endeavor in reverting and recycling the oxides which ur during working of a Wave Soldering Machine in order to reduce production cost, create a greener environment and assist the quality process.


Use special stirring system to melt the tin residues in the tin container and separate tin and ash in the separation container by the high speed of screw rotation. The machine is equipped with exhaust filter and cooling fittings.

    本装置主要特点 Characteristic

1、 采用PLC+温度扩展模块控制,人机界面操作;

 PLC controlled temperature control, HITECH GUI interface.

2、 自动设置开机、关机时间,无需开机等待;

Auto turn on/off time setting, for convenience 

3、 PID控温方式,控温准确;

urate PID temperature control

4、 高温纯锡熔化锡渣,熔锡速度快,温度波动小,节约电能;

Uses High heaters, very economical to run

5、 外置加料口,操作方便;

Feeding part installed on the outside for easy operation.

6、 密封分离系统连续分离,采用316L特殊不锈钢或钛合金材料制作;

Airtight separate system is made with 316L  stainless steel or titanium metal with series separation.

7、 锡条自动成型,成份稳定可靠,可直接投入生产;

Manual dispensing of tin in to the moulds, ready for immediate reuse in wave soldering system.

8、 抽风过滤系统经过多层过滤,有效去除尾气中的苯及其化合物等有害气体。

Triple filter exhaust system to reduce dangerous gas emissions.

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