马可波罗网 > 马可视频 > 通用机械设备 > 包装机械 > 灌装机 SYBQ40型棒棒冰机灌装器





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一.   适用范围 Applications


It can fill jelly, syrup, milk beverage, frozen sucker and other kinds of soft drinks, etc. It can seal vertical and abnormity soft plastic tube. It can fill pulp.

二.   功能特点 Characteristics

1.      针对国内多数同类产品回料多,易污染等缺点,我公司设计研发了闭合回路式智能灌装,解决了上述问题,在灌满时自行停止灌装,对空位不灌装。即使是几种不同容量,不同管型同时混装,也可以做到准确灌装无漏料。(国内独家)

The completely closed loop parts can avoid leakage and pollution. It can fill and seal different vertical and abnormity soft plastic tube synchronously. When the nozzle fills full tubes it stops automatically. The filling nozzle also can stop to fill beverage when the filling point has not tube.

2.      利用椭圆面双焦的特点,设计出椭圆面聚焦式加热罩,此技术比普通的加热方式热效率更高。同时在加热罩内外层之间充分填充绝热材料,有效的防止热量散失,达到节能防烫的功效。

We designed the ellipsoid focus style heating hood. It makes the heating much faster than usual. The adiabatic part can avoid burn.

3.      经通用机械产品检测所检测,多边形连续静封口方式与同类产品相比具有极其优越的性能:生产、安装、调试非常简便,工作稳定可靠。封口平整牢固、光洁透明、网纹清晰,对称、平直美观。

We designed polygon static essional sealing way. The seal is symmetrical, straight and beautiful.

4.      启动柔和,运行平稳,调速简单,产量达到800010000/小时。

Machine layout more reasonable, maintenance is more convenient. Soft start-up, balanced capability, easy speed control, and high-speed running.

5.      整机布局更加合理、精细、美观,全不锈钢结构,维修更加方便。

 Exterior design more delicate and beautiful. Instead of the carbon steel structure is the stainless steel structure can improve the food hygiene grade.

三.   技术参数 Technical specifications



灌装嘴外径Nozzle external diameter

Φ6 mm

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