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模具货架采用组合方式,安装方便,层高可任意调整,长度可无限连接,用于存放中小型模具。层板抽送自如,上下间隔随意调节;顶部可配备手拉葫芦移动车,便于模具的起吊和存放。并附有定位保险装置:在操作过程中未使用的层板不会被拉出或滑出撞伤操作者。货架每格可存放多套模具。便于模具的管理,占地空间小,可随场地任意驳接。模具货架适合放置中小型模具,独特的抽屉式设计,可55%打开,每层最大可承重5000kg(特殊可定制)。,单元承重100~5000kg。抽屉板下设置有滚轮轨道,使重载后依然能用很小的力轻松拉动。 模具货架采用优质钢材制作,设计合理,使用方便且简单,安全可靠。该设备适用于各类模具、各种机械配件,是为模具厂及家电、轻工、五金等行业专门设计制造的,具有节省人力、节省场所、美观环境、多功能使用等优点。

The racks of combining structure made of high-quality steel are equipped with the positioning safeguards for not being drawn out to the pallet during operation,bearing capacity each floor up to the 3000kg for storing more than moulds , 55% opening of the drawer in the unique design for load-bearing unit up to 100-3000kg,the tracks with the rollers under the drawers for a very easy job to pull the draws with a small force under a heavy load in order to achieving installing easily ,adjusting the layer height and unlimited connections in their length for storage of small and medium-sized moulds,upying very small space and connecting freely you need for facilitating the management to easily use,safety and reliability,obtaining labor-saving, saving places,beautiful environment,the use of multifunctional advantages and applicable to all types of moulds, a variety of mechanical parts for the factory,home appliances and light industry and hardware factory.


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