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厂家直接销售 聚合氯化铝 装车视频 pac  15838356978阳离子聚丙烯酰胺怎样处理化工厂污水




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Choose which should contain sand and other debris for polyacrylamide wastewater
Henan net is committed to creating quality service industry chain, to provide quality services for the vast number of consumers.
Contact mode: Manager Cao 15838356978
Sand washing wastewater treatment gravel plant through experiments we show that adding anionic polyacrylamide can have lower the cost of ess to good treatment effect, some manufacturers will test the anionic PAM products in ordance with the proportion of 0.1% is configured with a syringe into aqueous solution, with PAM solution trace to cope with sand washing in the wastewater, ulation and settling speed is very fast, and the supernatant is also very clear. It is very helpful to reuse the water in time.
As we all know in the water, there are many anic suspended substances, so the Cationic PAM products are not considered. On the other hand, the price of the anionic product is mainly related to the size of the molecular weight. It is generally mended to use a product with a molecular weight of 18 million, so that the amount will be very small. But if the amount is lower than that of the molecular weight, the corresponding amount will increase.
Such wastewater contains a lot of sediment. If it is not processed, it will cause serious damage to the surrounding environment. At the same time, a larger displacement will also increase the water cost of enterprises and increase the pressure of enterprises. But after using polyacrylamide PAM, wastewater can be obtained quickly after purification, the water is relatively clean, increased the water recovery rate, thus effectively reduces the enterprise cost of water, especially in some areas of water scarcity, the operation method of economic benefit is very obvious.
Polyacrylamide PAM is now widely used in the market and involves a lot of fields. Close to the enterprises such as concentrator, mud sand plant and so on, all of these is to produce as much as before and after sewage treatment will greatly improve the recovery rate of waste water.





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